
Altmetric is a web service that collects the mentions of scholarly articles in the web and in social media and is thus an additional indicator to traditional metrics.

Altmetric tracks where your articles are mentioned. In news channels, scientific blogs, social network platforms, newspapers, Twitter, Wikipedia, or even policy documents you might find references to your publication. Now you can know how often, by whom and where it is mentioned online.

As Science Communication at D-CHAB partners with Altmetric, we can track article level metrics for external pagethe D-CHAB's research outputs, and show faculty, staff and students a richer picture of your  research impact.

Altmetric Badges
The colorful Altmetric “donuts” are embeddable badges for your article pages that let you showcase impact in a beautiful way. Scopus and many publishers are showing these badges.

Add the free bookmarklet to your web browser and show the Altmetric Badge on any website with an identifier (DOI, Pubmed ID, etc.) with one click.

Altmetric Explorer
The Altmetric Explorer (license required) helps you monitor the online attention paid to scholarly articles in a quick way. Custom reports can be easily created, data exported, and your media efforts can be tracked.

Dr. Oliver Renn, Science Communication D-CHAB

More information: external‎

An example for the Altmetric badge is shown below.

GFAJ-1 Is an Arsenate-Resistant, Phosphate-Dependent Organism

Enlarged view: altmetric

Tobias J. Erb, Patrick Kiefer, Bodo Hattendorf, Detlef Günther, Julia A. Vorholt

Science, July 2012

Publication by Robert N. Grass und Wendelin J. Stark about the media response to scientfic publications in chemistry on December 16, Dezember 2015: external page

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