Jeremy Richardson new Professor at the LPC

  • D-CHAB
  • LPC

On September 1, Jeremy Richardson will start as an Assistant Professor with tenure track at the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry. His main research focus is the theoretical description of quantum dynamical processes in complex systems.

by Joachim Schnabl
Jeremy Richardson

Jeremy Richardson (*1986) currently Junior Research Fellow at the University of Durham (United Kingdom), is active in the field of the theoretical description of quantum dynamical processes in complex systems. His results allow, e.g., the study of processes that are of central importance in chemistry, such as proton and electron transfers in large molecular complexes and in the condensed phase. With the appointment of Jeremy Richardson as Assistat Professor with tenure track, ETH Zurich wins a highly talented theoretical chemist who will continue the successful tradition of the Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences in the field of theoretical chemistry.

We look forward to his start on September 1, 2016!

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