Analysis of exhaled breath for diagnostics

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In collaboration with the University Hospital Zurich, Prof. Zenobi is developing new non-invasive methods for diagnostics. Exhaled breath is analyzed with high-resolution mass spectrometry to diagnose lung diseases and monitor drugs.

by Joachim Schnabl

The PULS episode can be watched external pagehere (German only)

Prof. Renato Zenobi: PULS - Exhaled Breath Analysis

Prof. Renato Zenobi in PULS
Prof. Renato Zenobi in PULS: Atemgasanalyse


external pageSRF PULS "Für Diagnose bitte blasen"
(Further information and another video about the detector chip technology. In German)

external pageBreath analysis in real time by mass spectrometry in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
Martinez-Lozano Sinues, Meier L, Berchtold C, Ivanov M, Sievi N, Camen G, Kohler M, Zenobi R.
Respiration, 2014, 87(4), 301–10

external pageZurich Exhalomics

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